I get asked this question a lot when I am teaching during one of my private one on one waxing classes. Students often ask me “should you trim the hair when doing a bikini wax?” I decided to write a blog on this very topic today because of a conversation that I had also had a few weeks ago with another waxing educator. Which, incidentally we do have a five hour waxing DVD coming out in 2013 and we do cover this topic in our questions and answers section at the end of the DVD…so keep tuning in to see when that is available for purchase in my waxing store!…
Lemons for your skin!
Lemons have been known over the centuries to help with many different skin and body ailments. I am sharing with you today some juicy secrets about “lemons” that you might not know! If your budget allows go for organic!
Mix half a lemon with a teaspoon of honey…. preferably Manuka Honey and approximately half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply to the face for 20 minutes and remove with warm water and blot dry with a soft towel! Apply as often as you want and watch those wrinkles disappear!!
Mix half a lemon with egg white into a bowl, whisking well. …
Knicker Stickers for bikini waxing clients…
Ingrown hairs around the bikini area as most of us know are caused by incorrect waxing, shaving and irritation/rubbing that clothing or our underwear can cause. There are many more factors, but I would love to share with you a secret solution (not that it will be a secret anymore!) that I highly recommend for you to retail in your salon and to also use as a take home pressie for your first time clients that might be susceptible to getting ingrown hairs. This company is based in the U.S and has a fantastic solution that I love to use myself after a wax and find that clients enjoy wearing them also. …
Nostril waxing. Yes or nose?!
I was asked a very important question a few days ago by a fellow aesthetician in regards to “what are my thoughts when it comes to nose waxing”. I knew the reason why she was asking this question. If some of you are not sure about why this question was asked you may want to take a look at this article.
My response to this was ” I have waxed hundreds and I mean hundreds of nostrils for men who have more straggly hair’s protruding out of their nostril’s than I have bristles on my hairbrush and not one of them has dropped dead on me”. …
Do you offer rewards programs in your salon?
Who doesn't like to receive a hand written card in the post?
Does your Salon or Spa offer them to clients? Rewards programs are a great way to keep your clients happy and get’s them talking about your place to other people. Some people are so busy focusing on getting new clients that they forget their existing ones. So try a couple of reward programs to see what works best for you.
Before your clients leave, tell them about the rewards program that you have going on in your salon. For every time she re-books an appointment and keeps that appointment, she can receive 10% off of her next visit. …
10 resume tips when looking for salon or spa jobs?
When looking and applying for jobs during this tough economy it is even more important than usual to be on top of your game! Your competition is tight and employers are looking for a reason not to hire you.
Don't have that resume that lands in the trash!
1. If you are asked to submit your resume online by sending it in ‘word format’ do as they ask. They might be testing you to see how well you follow directions.
2. Always include a cover letter. Don’t presume that your resume is full of enough information. …
Great spa water recipes!
If you are anything like me and just find it hard to chug down water …. maybe your clients that visit your spa are feeling the same way. Maybe, just maybe, they are tired of seeing the same ole lonely cucumber slices bobbing in their glass and wish for some variety!
If your water is truly impressive, maybe leave some recipe cards out on the table in the ‘waiting area’ with your business card stapled to the corner! You wouldn’t want them to forget now would you, where they picked up the recipe card so that they can now impress their friends?…
Is the salon hiring department going to trash your resume?
In an economy where you’re competing with a dozen of other applicants, you might feel desperate to make a resume stand out in the paper pile. Most managers are looking for a reason to not hire you, so they don’t have to sit there sifting through the mass pile of resumes.
Don't have that Esthetician resume that hits the trash!
So if you’re submitting a resume, it’s more important than ever to make a good first impression and avoid these common mistakes. Pay attention to these resume do’s and don’ts to clean up your act whilst searching for that perfect Salon position.…
An honest look at the founder of Premier Beauty Solutions.
Well, some of you may have seen me tweeting from the rooftops and posting links to Facebook or LinkedIn with information that I hope at least one person finds valuable. Sharing knowledge with others is my passion, especially, when it comes to helping others in the spa industry. Having been in the industry for over 11 years I have seen many things. Gracious and ugly.
I have had some fantastic jobs with great employers and some average jobs with horrendous employers! I have worked with co-workers where our team spirit was very cohesive and I have worked at some places where there was more drama than watching an episode of The Bachelor.…
The hair is removed…how about Vajazzling that baby!?
What is Vajazzling some may ask? Vajazzling is a fantastic service that you can get your clients to up grade too from their Brazilian wax. It is very easy to sell this add on service to your clients, and it doesn’t take you long to do and it’s a great way for you to make some additional money. This is a great service to sell to your client if she is going on a honeymoon, vacationing with her love bug or just spending a lovely sexy evening home with her partner.…